I am Vikas Chauhan

Name: Vikas Chauhan

Profile: Data Scientist

Email: chauhanvikas734@gmail.com

Phone: +91-8397985387

Few keywords which define me

  • Passionate
  • Logical
  • Self-motivated
  • Hardworking
  • Thoughtful


About me

Hello, my name is Vikas Chauhan, and I'm a passionate individual who is drawn to the interesting worlds of mathematics, data, and programming. From Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology in Hisar, Haryana, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Hons) and a Master of Science in Mathematics. My ancestors are from the lively city of Jind, Haryana.

My journey towards technology began with a profound passion of mathematics, which naturally led me to investigate data science and programming. I'm fascinated by data's potential and its power to inform wise decisions. Several cloud certifications, including Azure Fundamentals, Azure Administrator Associate, Azure Data Fundamentals, Azure Data Scientist Associate, and AWS Cloud Practitioner, were obtained assiduously in my pursuit of greatness.

For the time being, I'm concentrating on refining my talents in machine learning and data science, digging into the complexities of these subjects with passion and excitement. I am a big believer in the power of consistent effort and steadfast determination as key catalysts for success. Every day, I seek to improve, learn, and grow, with the goal of making significant contributions to the world of technology and beyond.


Bank Marketing Campaign

Predicts whether the client will subscribe a term deposit or not


Diabetes Prediction

Predicts whether a person is diabetic or not

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ATS Tester LLM Project

Predicts the percentage match and missing keywords in resume


Social Media Ad Classification

Predicts whether a person buy product or not by viewing ad

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Stock Sentiment Analysis

Predicts whether the stock price increases or not using top 25 news headlines of the company


Brain Tumors Classification

Predicts the type of brain tumor using deep learning model

Github YouTube Kaggle

Fake News Classification

Classifies news articles as either REAL or FAKE news using NLP

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Cat Dog Classification

Predicts whether image is of dog or cat using deep learning

Github YouTube Kaggle

Customer Personality Analysis

Analyze customer data to understand their preferences and behavior

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Bengaluru House Price Prediction

Predicts the house price in Bengaluru


Smoking and Drinking Classification Problem

Predicts whether a person drinks alcohol or not

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Starbucks Reviews NLP Project

Trained the model on Starbucks Reviews and it predicts what will be the most likely rating he/she will give

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Top 10000 Popular Movie Analysis

Analysed the data and created visualizing insights


120 Dogs Breed Image Classification

Predicts the dog breed from its image


Stores Sales Prediction

Predicts the item outlet sales

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Campus Recruitment Prediction

Predicts the estimated salary of student

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Data Cleaning and Dashboard Creation in Excel

Created pivot tables and informative dashboard of bike sales data


Data Visualization using Power BI

Visualize the Data Professionals Survey Data


Data Visualization using Tableau

Visualize the Sleep Efficiency Data


Amazon Web Scraping

Scrap and append Amazon Product Title, Price, Rating on CSV file after every 1 hour


Data Extraction and NLP

Performed Web Scraping, Text Preprocessing and Sentiment Analysis


Data Extraction from PDF File

Extracted all Voter's information from PDF file


Build Terraform Scripts of Azure Resources

Create multiple terraform scripts for deploying diffent Azure Resources



Get in Touch
  • +91-8397985387
  • chauhanvikas734@gmail.com